Call for a feminist, antiracist demonstration next Saturday in Cologne

(Dieser Artikel in Deutsch)

New Years Eve in Cologne was a turning-point for the public debates about refugees in Germany. It also was a turning-point for the discussions on women’s rights and sexual harrassment. But instead of discussing the real questions, both topics were abused by right-wing, racist groups. Their interpretation of the so called «Cologne-incidents» was once more another abuse of women’s interests as well as of refugee’s dignity.

Since New Years Eve, laws have been tightened and the acceptance of refugees shrinked. Racist groups still use the topic for their agitation against open borders and refugees. But very few people were interested in the real topic of a steadily danger of being sexual offended for every woman.

Especially refugee-women are facing male violence, harrassment and rapes on their journey and in the camps and accomodations as we saw some weeks after New Years Eve, when female refugees reported sexual threats in a camp in Cologne Grimberg. This time the public scream was missed.

It is time to reclaim the topic back and to detach it from a violent racist mob. To do so, a broad alliance of feminist and anti-racist groups calls for a nationwide demonstration in Cologne on Saturday, March 12. Our friends from so_ko_wpt also call for a participation in this event.

We want to support the women, refugees, the anti-racist movement and our friends next Saturday and we want to join the demonstration. To travel as a group to Cologne, we have a meetingpoint at Döppersberg-station at 11:30 CET.

Come and join us!

Official call; more languages avaiable at the alliance’s webpage

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