What is actually going on with Germany?

What is actually going on with Germany?

We want to invite you to our w2wtal-breakfast on next Sunday (February 19) at 11:00 CET in Café ADA with a discussion on Germany before the elections afterwards.

We know: Most of our friends are not allowed to vote. Those who newly came to our city in no way. But many of those who even came to Germany decades ago don‘t have the right to vote in this country. So why should we talk about a year of elections when many of you are excluded from voting?

Because this elections, and especially the time before, will affect everyone who lives here and because refugees who came to Germany will be a main topic of the election campaign. On Sunday we want to give you a report about the possible consequences. And we would like to answer your questions if you do not know such an election with an election campaign that will last for months. What actually will be elected by whom? Can an election change your own life? Who wants to be elected and who are these people and parties? Also we would like to talk about how we can change the fact, that much will be talked about refugees before the elections and not so much with them.

Everyone who is interested in this topic is invited to stay at Café ADA on Sunday after the breakfast and to discuss with us what this all means. Of course there is a common breakfast as usual. We look forward to see you.

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