Open Letter: Let people from Idomeni come to Wuppertal!

„As old and new citizens of Wuppertal we ask the City Council to decide that Wuppertal agrees to take an adequate contingent of refugees from Greece!“ Open letter from w2wtal to the mayor of Wuppertal and to the represented parties in the Wuppertal City Council.

Given the stagnant, inhuman situation in the refugee camp on the Greek-Macedonian border in Idomeni and the ignorance of German policy towards the plight of women, men and children who often want to be with their families who live in Germany, we want to make a fresh start to win back the discourse which is now almost exclusively dominated by racists and right-wing people.

For this we want to start at the level on which this can be discussed most likely in our opinion: the local contexts. At least in some cities and counties (eg in Wuppertal) people experience daily that capacities for refugees, which were created last year are now unused and that newfound friends are desperately waiting for the arrival of partners and / or relatives who are currently stuck in Greece.

We would hope that many German municipalities would follow the example of the regions of Barcelona and Valencia, who have offered to resettle refugees from Greece. We are convinced that the state governments and the federal government could not escape a request by local authorities, to take people from Idomeni or other Greek camps.

With our open letter to the representatives of the city of Wuppertal, we make a start. We would be happy if groups and initiatives in other cities could take up and intensify our action. At least it may be a pulse to act offensively in the public debate at last. We have to do it for the refugees. If you want to make a similar attempt in your town / your region and if you need support, let us know.

In Wuppertal, we need the support of as many groups, associations, political parties, initiatives and individuals who co-sign our open letter. The more support our cause gets from the people of the city, the greater the chances of success.

Everybody who wants to support us and our requirement, can leave us a message by an e-mail: mitzeichnen [at]

Here our open letter is in full text:
Download: Our Open Letter (English) to print or send as a pdf-file


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