Invitation to our w2wtal-breakfast!


Next Sunday, April 17, once more its time for our w2wtal-breakfast at one of the most nicest places in town: The Café ADA in Wuppertal-Elberfeld (Wiesenstraße 6). If you want to get in contact with our group or just with friendly people, and to learn about our next activities, if you want to know more about this town and the circumstances of life in Wuppertal or if you need some advise or help, this is a good occasion.

The breakfast, which is free (of course we’re glad about every donation), always is prepared by activists and refugees who live in Wuppertal for some time. We care for the basics like coffe, tea, bread, some vegetables, cheese and marmelades – you bring additional meal. Mostly we have an impressive offer for everyone. We start at 11:00 CET, nomally the breakfast lasts until 13:00 CET.

We also try to keep you informed each time about new developments for newly arrived people and along the flight-routes in Europe. Our goal is, to find ways how we can act together as selforganized political actors. This time we want to share with you an attempt to take influence on the discussions about the people who are stucked in the Idomeni-camp. So feel very welcomed and join us next Sunday! Share this information with your families and friends!

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