Saturday: Demonstration against deportations and w2wtal-Night


Saturday, April 2, 14:00 CET: Demonstration against deportations in Bielefeld – afterwards we invite to our w2wtal-Night at Café Stil-Bruch at Otto Böhne Platz in Wuppertal-Elberfeld at 19:00 CET.

The place where our monthly gatherings take place on each first Saturday, is located at a central square in the heart of the Ölberg-quarter. This quarter has a well known history of resistance before and during the Nazi-years in Germany. Many people who lived there never gave up struggling against the fascists. And Ölberg still is an anti-racist and solidary part of Wuppertal. It is no coincidence much of our meetings happening in this quarter as well as it is the domestic place of the local „Caravan“-group. Otto Böhne, name-patron of the central square, resisted against the Nazis himself. As a member of the communist party and member of the local city-council, Otto Böhne already was imprisoned and tortured in the local concentration-camp in the year when the Nazis took over. Because of the violations he didn’t survive a transport to another camp in 1934.

w2wtal – as a group – sees itself in a tradition of humanitarian and antifascist struggling. The tightenings of the asylum-law during the last months and the rise of the xenophobic AfD-party as well as the closing of the Balkan-Route are more than alarming tendencies. Also the number of mass-deportations has risen to new hights. Especially people from the former Yugoslavian countries are silently deported in the middle of the night, often after many years of living in Germany. While focussing on war-refugees from Syria, the fate of refugees from other countries like Nigeria, Albania, Macedonia, the Maghreb-countries or even Afghanistan is almost unnoticed by the media and public. We are convinced it is time to act now – in the good tradition of civil resistance against injustice.

Responsible authorities for deportations in NRW are so called ZABs (Zentrale Ausländerbehörden). One of three ZABs is located in Bielefeld. Its special goal is to organize deportations by plane and to work on all refugees who are located in deportation-camps by convincing them to leave Germany «voluntary». The demonstration on next Saturday in Bilefeld wants to be a first step in acting against the deportation-regime by pulling the ZAB and other actors of the deportation-system into the public eye. Some friends of w2wtal want to participate in this demonstration. They plan a joint travel to Bielefeld and they would be glad of your accompany. Therefore there is a meetingpoint at 11:30 CET at the Schwebebahn-Station Döppersberg. The demonstration starts at 14:00 CET at Bielefeld main-station. The complete multilingual call can be found here:

Afterwards we organize our monthly w2wtal-Night back in Wuppertal. During the meeting at Café Stil-Bruch we will rest from the demonstration, exchange our impressions and discuss the recent situation. As always we will eat together. Like our second regulary meeting, the brunch on each third Sunday at Café ADA, the w2wtal-Night is intended as an offer for everybody to get in personal contact with w2wtal. Its an opportunity to know each other. We start at 19:00 CET, mostly the food is served around 19:30 CET. The meal is free, but we’re grateful for any donation. You find Café Stil-Bruch here: Google Maps. We look forward to you!

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