Dangerous naive dreamers


This is a big war. From Mali to Sudan, from Nigeria to Libya, from Eritrea to Syria, to Rojava, to Turkey… Each fucking day people die in this war. There are unreported incidents, there are bombings, there are terrorattacks: Near Abidjan, in Ankara or in Istanbul. Whole cities are suffering, some are almost completely destroyed: Aleppo, Cizre, Homs. Lucky Europe. War hasn’t come to Europe this time, that’s why it isn’t called a «world war».

Just when attacks happen in Paris or in Brussels, like today, the people get a little notion of what’s going on. Media screams, public turns to hysteric mood, everybody tweets and writes condolences. Suddenly eyerybody is alerted for some days. Next attacks in Cairo, Beirut, Damaskus or Bamako will again be just a «further notice». Because people of Europe want to dream on. They want to think, their worst problem would be how to come to their eastern-holidays now, after shutting down the public transport. They want to think, the most problematic thing will be how to play a football-competition in France this summer. They want to think, there’s nothing more complicated than organizing the personal activities during the next weekend.

Normally the war reaches their borders only with thousands and thousands of refugees who hadn’t have the luck to plan their holidays, but to care for their pure existence. The people of Europe didn’t want to see it. Because it was a threat for the european dream of a brave new world. The refugees brought real life to this bundle of shit, the Europeans call freedom and democracy, wealth and progress. So the Europeans closed their doors. Why should we care for people who suffer in a world war? Why should we accept the reality, when we can keep our illusion?

Bombs can’t be pushed back. Bombs can’t be caged in camps. They are sold in high-tech cases and they come back in backpacks. Although we mourn with all victims of the Brussels-attacks – what should we think, when the authorities and offices of the so called «Fortress Europe» have to shut down their work for today? The suffering people in Idomeni, the disillusioned refugees in the camps and on board of the deportation-planes, the drawned women, children and men who lost their life in the Agaen, or the Mediterranean Sea – they all have been sacrified for the fucking european illusion of peace, fun and happiness. Just when bombs explode, like in Brussels today, the people get a short glimpse of reality.

Naive dreamers! Unfortunately you are far too powerful, because you can make others suffer to keep your childish dream.

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