Saturday, March 5: w2wtal-night


A new month and the first Saturday-night in sight. Again we will offer a room for interaction between people who just arrived to our town and people who have been living here for a longer time. As always, we will eat together what we have cooked before. We also will exchange our opinions about the latest developments for refugees on the flight and after arriving as well as personal problems with authorities or housing. Everything will happen in an open atmosphere without any kind of agenda.

After our w2wtal-evening went in exile last month, we will return to our regular location in March. We wait for you at Café Stil-Bruch in the heart of the «Refugees Welcome-Area Ölberg» at Otto-Böhne Platz in Elberfeld. We’re preparing the dinner for roundabout 19:00 CET (7pm), but of course you can come late for some music and some talks. If you want to go there by bus, you can take line 643 from «Ohligsmühle» or «Wall» or «Karlsplatz» in direction «Lutherstift/Nordstadt» (…bus doesn’t ride after 20:00 CET/ 8pm). There is a busstop right in front of Café Stil-Bruch («Otto-Böhne Platz»).

We look forward to you!

Dinner is free, but we are grateful for a little donation!

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