We are fucking angry.


  • Commentary by W.L.

Today a lot of people and institutions showed their ugly faces very openly. Nobody was able to overlook their inhuman and brutal visages anymore.

An ugly continent

First to mention of course is Europe as a rotten and bigot continent of frightened rich and safe countries who try to get rid of the world and to safe their pitiful benefits from ruining it before. Its desperate attempt to block the so called «Balkan Route» which already led to a unbeliebable shameful deal with the turkish regime now turns to military reactions on migrants as in Bulgaria and closed inner-european borders. Europe’s countries fight among themselves about how they could close their eyes to the fate of fleeing children, women and men. Everybody knows Greece is not able to host all the people who try it through the Agaen Sea. Everybody knows there will be a new «bottleneck» in one of Europe’s poorest countries and it will be even worse than the one which happened in Hungary last summer at the beginning of the «summer of migration». So, Europe’s only hope is the turkish regime. They shall send the people back to warzones or at least imprison them in closed camps. Europe`s politicians try to ignore the forthcoming humanitarian catastrophe – on the worst level they demand, „we should learn to stand the horrible pictures at our borders“, as a leading member of the racist German AfD explained last weekend.

But the people react. Hundreds left their camps in Greece today and began a new march towards Idomeni at the Macedonian border. After being stopped by the police, they blocked a highway. Europe will get the bill now for its shameful behaviour. This time the march won’t be a „March of Hope“ rather a „March of Anger“ of desperate people who fled thousands of miles just to stuck now in an overwhelmed Greece. Our hearts and minds are with the people, and we hope they will overcome the borders again by any means.

The wellknown ugly Germany

Secondly we had to look into the wellknown ugly face of Germany, which still wants to present itself as an openminded exeption within a hardhearted continent. The same day more and more people got stucked in Greece, the parliament in Germany decided about a new attack on the law of asylum. Taking some racist mobs in eastern Germany as a kind of cheap excuse, almost all parliamentarians of both big parties voted for the tightening of the law which once was a strong reaction on German fascism. Now its a ruin of goodwill. By fulfilling the wishes of an angy racist mob the parties try to get back their acceptance within the population. But they will fail – running after the racists will not bring them back, it only will lead to further demands.

Instead of sending a strong signal against xenophopbia and racism, they show a fearful reaction on the racist part of the german society although it is still the minority. This behaviour won’t bring back their former strenght – on the contrary now they also will loose the openminded people. This is the possible worst trend. It will lead to an even stronger polarization, to growing struggles and – of course – to suffering refugees. Its a pityful and weak strategy and it will not even have much effects on the so called «refugee problem».

Nobody dares to discuss the real problems: The world’s situation and the responsibilties for this situation, the growing number of people who are not able to live at their home anymore and the inescapable impact of ongoing wars, growing poverty and a ruined environment for the «safe haven» of Europe. Germany’s politicians today choosed for a cheap and really ugly alternative and they missed one of the the last chances to prevent dangerous developments.

Come and join the counter-protests on Saturday!

But we’re not through with the ugly faces: The ugliest of all will show up in Wuppertal on Saturday when the racist miniature-party «Pro Deutschland» tries to gain benefits from the hysteria on migration. Just two days after the tightening of the asylum law they are impudent enough to call for a manifestation against «too much refugees» at the city-council in Barmen. They want to start their manifestation at 15:00 CET. One hour before, there is a counter-manifestation on the same square. Let’s send the racists back to their ugly homes! They are coming at the right moment, because as we told: We are fucking angry!

Anti-racist counter-protest on Saturday, February 27 14:00 CET
Wuppertal-Barmen, Johannes Rau-Platz (City-Council)

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