Anniversary-breakfast with movie!


w2wtal-breakfast with movie-presentation
Sunday, 21st of February, 11 am, Café ADA

welcome2wuppertal celebrates birthday! In February last year there where about 20 people coming to our very first Brunch. At the same time also the language course at Café Ada started.

Since then a lot has happened – worldwide, in Europe, and obviously also in Wuppertal. We became more and more, in all respects. The reason for this is the fact that the world hasn’t become more peaceful. More and more people can no longer live where they are. They have to search for a new home.

At the same time, the atmosphere, and especially the policy against refugees has massively worsened. The signs of the time are deterrence and deportation. Nevertheless, the movement of migration can’t be stopped. We are happy that Wuppertal has been quite a good place for refugees and for anti-racist people up to now. And we are glad something like a small community has been build up during this last year; a network of some people who live in Wuppertal for a shorter or a longer time and who try to support each other. Some of them found an apartment, some were able to find new friends, many could learn the first german sentences and all of us made many new, exciting, beautiful, even though sometimes also difficult experiences.

We hope we will be able to expand our w2wtal-network and to keep it open for those who are already on their journey, or who have to leave their home in the future and need a place to arrive.

Next sunday we want to celebrate our first year a littlebit. Therefore the w2wtal-brunch on next Sunday, February 21 will be a special one. We invite all of you to celebrate our anniversary-breakfast at Café ADA.

As usual it starts at 11:00 a.m. (11 Uhr) at Café ADA (Wiesenstraße 6 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld). We will have breakfast together, some talks and a nice time in general. (As always, we are very glad about every donation to our breakfast – food, drinks or a little money.) Afterwards we have a special surprise this time: We will show a wonderful movie of a tricky and successful journey from Italy to Sweden. The movie haven’t been shown before in cinemas, so its a rare occasion to watch it. We cannot say more at this point – just join us on Sunday and get impressed!

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