Talking ‘bout solutions

Date: Saturday, February 13 – Time: 11 am ’til 5 pm
Location: Café ADA, Wiesenstraße 6 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld
Translations in English and Arabic should be avaiable.

(Deutsche Version)

A leftist network of communal workers and politicians in Nordrhein-Westfalen organizes a conference about refugees’ conditions of living this Saturday. As people who practical work on topics like housing, education, medical care or permissions to work, they are interested in an exchange of views. Goal of the conference, which takes place in Café ADA for one day, is to get standards and common demands for communal tasks depending on migration. w2wtal was asked to participate in the conference and in the workshops, which we will do. It is important to open opportunities for refugees to influence the process of developing standards and demands which affect them. Therefore we call you to come to Café ADA on Saturday, February 13 between 11 am and 5 pm and to take part in the conference. Your experiences could be a main key to create standards and demands which fit your needs.

Because of the federal German system its not easy to recognize different responsibilities of different authorities. Some tasks are managed by the central government in Berlin (i.e. the law of asylum in general), some aspects of life are ruled by the state-government in Düsseldorf or the so called «Bezirksregierung» (i.e. the question of allocation after arriving in Nordrhein-Westfalen) and some other important decisions are made at a communal level, like housing or the method of medical care. This is the reason for huge differences in the conditions of life from one city to another. Things which work quite okay in Wuppertal must not be okay i.e. in Bergisch-Gladbach (as we saw some weeks ago when people were allocated from the school-building in Wuppertal to a tent-camp there).

This conference really could have an impact on the local management-level. The topics depend on the communal responsibilities: Accomodation and housing, healthcare or education as well as questions of labor and minimal standards for work. The organizers of the meeting arranged some panels with discussions and some workshops. Aim of the workshops is to agree on political demands and an approach which is based on best-practice examples. The results of the workshops will be documented on posters to arrange concrete agreements for further work. The appointments will be documented in the summary report of the conference.

If you want to take part, please give us a response, so we can announce your participation.

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