A special day.

(Deutsche Version)

If we held 1 minute of silence for every victim, the silence would last 21 years.

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. We remember the liberation of 7.000 survivors of Auschwitz concentration-camp 71 years ago by the Red Army and the millions who were murdered by Nazis – Jews and Gypsies, Homosexuals, so called „Mentally handicapped People“, Communists, Anarchists, Social-Democrats and people of belief who opposed the Nazi-Terror as well as many thousands of prisoners of war and working slaves who suffered under inhumanity.

We also remember all of those who resisted and fought the Nazis and their supporters, all the people who showed solidarity and didn’t participate in the mass-murdering although they had to fear for their own lifes. We honour all their small and big acts of resistance. We take their example as an inspiration for ourself. Never let it happen again! Fight fascists and fascism by any means neccessary!

But we also remember all the people who where in desperate search for refuge. Millions of Germans, Frenchs, Belgians, Dutchs, Polishs, Russians and people from all over Europe who had to run for their life facing the Nazi-murderers who spread into more and more countries to hunt their enemies. And we will not forget many countries shutting their doors for this desparate humans, leaving them alone and handing them out to the Nazis, because they declared theirself „unable to handle“ the „refugee-problem“.

This was the reason for the law of asylum, which was implemented in Germany after the war in remembrance of this shameful lesson. It was already damaged during the past centuries, now – facing millions of fleeing people again – some people want to repeal it completely, even in Germany. To fight against these attempts to forget this special obligation and the destroying of the right of refuge is our promise – as antifascists and as anti-racists.

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