w2wtal-breakfast: Sunday, Jan. 17 at ADA


Just one week after our w2wtal-evening at Stil-Bruch we now invite to our first joint breakfast of the year at Café ADA in Wiesenstraße 6 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld on next Sunday. Like last year, long-established people and newcomers to Wuppertal organize a breakfast for all: refugees and undocumented people, migrants and friends who grew up here. As in 2016, the whole thing works on a donation basis – we are happy about your own food as well as about little money for buying some foods.

Something else has not changed at the turn of the year: Events and changes, which concern refugees and migrants, do not tear off which means sudden changes for all affected people. Even before the next scheduled sharpening of the asylum law was adopted, further deterioration of the refugee’s situation were already decided on Tuesday: So deportations should be further facilitated, and even the ability to deny an already granted refugee status is in discussion. This response to the events on New Years Eve in Cologne was predictable, but the pace surprises anyway.

In addition, the suspension of the „Dublin“ procedure for those who have entered the European Union over Greece also ended on Tuesday. The suspension of forced returns to Greece originally should have been negotiated – but nothing has happened. The result: At least theoretically there is no more possibility to apply for asylum in Germany, if someone came over Greece since January 12. That actually would affect everybody who comes via the „Balkan route“. It’s not yet known how the BAMF will deal with this situation. Rejections of all arriving people to an already completely overburdened Greece are actually unthinkable.

We are trying to get more informations and to inform as much as possible about the changes during the breakfast. Also some people are there, who will keep trying to help with any problems and answer questions to authorities, homes or acommodations.

We look forward to seeing you! Tell everyone you know!

Breakfast starts at 11am. Here you’ll find Café ADA: map

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