Communication is everything!

(Deutscher Artikel)

It became obvious that joint ways to communicate are basic for other activities. Especially as long as we do not have a self-organized „Refugee Welcome Center“ in Wuppertal where we could get in personal contact at any time. That is why we strive to offer as many communication channels as possible and in addition to this website we also give informations on Facebook and Twitter. But although you can get in touch with w2wtal via this channels, we are not satisfied with it because its still a one-way communication most of the times.

Therefore, there are other ways we can stay in touch:

1. Our E-mail-List. Just send us an E-mail if you want to be added to the list. You can to use our contact form.

2. An open telegram chat-goup, which works better from day to day and offers some advantages compared to E-mail-lists. We decided to use telegram because other services simply were not safe enough for us. The messenger works almost exactly like WhatsApp. Download the right telegram-app and enter our open chat group by just clicking this link:

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