Welcome to Stay – Conference


At the right moment, „Bahnhof Langendreer“ and the Refugee Council of NRW will intervene in an often authoritarian and racist, sometimes humanitarian-paternalistic, but almost always absurd social debate: The Action-Conference „Welcome to Stay“, which takes place on November 7 in Bochum, tries to find ways to improve the situation of newly arriving people or for refugees who are quite some time living here. Primarily people who are dealing with the situation in practice are invited to the conference: Beside Heinz Drucks of the Refugee Council, i.e. also representatives of „Youths without frontiers„, or the Networks Langendreer and Wohlfahrtstraße and of welcome2wuppertal (w2wtal) will make contributions to the meeting of refugees and supporters.

The focus is on questions how refugees can be helped to find their way in their new social and political environment and how they can actively influence them. Various workshops will discuss issues of self-organized language courses and reasonable accommodations, problems in building networks and how to achieve refugee rights, but also how deportations can be prevented together. During a workshop which picks up the headline of the joint statement of refugees in Wuppertal on the new asylum law („Looking for solutions with us – not against us!“) w2wtal tries to ask and answer – as far as possible – questions about issues and challenges of self-organization of refugees. For the workshop, where refugees should speak themselves if possible, w2wtal cooperates with activists of „Afrique Europe Interact“ and „Voix des Migrants„, who are active in registration-camps in Bochum these days.

A panel discussion with a representative of w2wtal, with Heinz Drucks from the Refugee Council and Nurjana Arslanova from „Youths without frontiers“ will finish the conference. Topic of the final discussion are the perspectives of interventions against restrictive asylum policies.

(Whisper-) Translations in English, French, Arabic and Serbo-Croatian are ensured. Next to Refugees of course also all interested supporters are invited. A registration via email is requested until November 1st. The e-mail can be sent to welcome2wuppertal.

Contribution to the meeting is 5 respectively 10 euros (free for refugees). A report on the conference will be given during our w2wtal-evening at Café Stil Bruch on Sunday, November 8.

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