Saturday 9/5: Anti-racist demonstration in Wuppertal-Heckinghausen

(German version)

These are very special times. Whole world is reporting and talking about the refugee-struggle all over Europe. In Calais desperate people try to pass the Eurotunnel to England every night, on the greek islands is a humanitarian crisis, and the dying in the Mediterranean is also going on. Now the public focus is on Hungary and the terrible situation in the trainstation.

But all of this is also telling a hidden and different story: The borders are going to fall…“No Border!“, our slogan for such a long time, finally becomes a realistic perspective. As a first result of the changing times all  „Dublin III“-deportations of syrian refugees to Hungary has been stopped. And more will follow.

The more important it will be to resist against the Nazis and racists, who are afraid of loosing their inhuman game of a european and german fortress. All over Germany they try to resist against the migration and against an open-minded country. In Wuppertal, they plan to protest on Saturday against a new accommodation for up to 500 new arriving refugees in Heckinghausen.

We’re very glad, Wuppertal is not Freital or Heidenau: A coalition of civil society and anti-racist groups will be in Heckinghausen too. We won’t give the racists any place for hatespeeches and we will send a strong signal of solidarity to all people who are still on a dangerous journey in the Middle-East, eastern Europe, northern Africa, the seas and everywhere. They are welcome in Wuppertal!

Afterwards we invite everybody to our first „Refugees Welcome“-evening at Café Stil-Bruch. Join us and bring your friends! (Start around 7 pm)

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