This week is breakfast again!

(Deutsche Version)

This Sunday (16th of August) we will have a breakfast together. After the last meeting was suspended because of a water, we meet again at Café ADA in Wiesenstraße and again we want to start at 10.30 a.m. with the preparations. Breakfast should begin around 11 am. In the last weeks we have done two very nice bicycle tours, and on sunday we want to talk about diferent future activities. So please bring your proposals and ideas.

You will also find some advice and people who can help you with understanding letters and forms, etc. Come and join us! Bring your friends! Bring sth to eat if you want to, or games, or proposals, or whatever you want to share with us.

By the way, we want to inform you about an exhibition on Asylum as a Human Right that the initiative kein mensch ist illegal (no one is illegal) is organizing, starting on 27th of August. In this framework there will be some events on issues like reasons to flight, Eritrean refugees and forced migration from West Afrika.

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