Sonntag, 20.9.: w2wtal-Frühstück

Am Sonntag, den 20.9. laden wir wieder alle zum gemeinsamen frühstücken ins Café ADA ein (hier geht’s zur mehrsprachigen Einladung). Ab 11:00 Uhr werden wir uns kennenlernen, miteinander frühstücken, reden und – soweit möglich – auch für dringende Fragen zu Behörden, Wohnen oder Arbeiten zur Verfügung stehen.

Weil wir diesmal mit ein paar Gästen mehr rechnen, wäre es großartig, wenn ihr etwas zu Frühstück mitbringen könntet. Wenn nicht: keine Sorge – eigentlich ist für alles gesorgt.

Im Anschluss an das Frühstück ist geplant, über eine politische Einschätzung der Situation geflüchteter Menschen in Europa und speziell in Wuppertal zu reden. Auch hierzu laden wir herzlich ein. Die Diskussion, zu der wir auch andere Initiativen eingeladen haben, beginnt voraussichtlich gegen 14:00 Uhr.

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welcome2wuppertal – 300 new refugees will arrive in town tonight

(Deutsche Version)

+++ Update Tue, Sep 8, 3 pm: After the false alarm yesterday, refugees arrive today – Tuesday – from 3:30 pm on. More busses will follow during today. +++

At first: A big „thank you!“ for all, who took part in our first Refugees Welcome-evening on Saturday in Café Stil-Bruch. It was wonderful to see some of you spontanously going to Dortmund to help at the trainstation in the middle of the night. This is what w2wtal is about: Having good times together and showing solidarity together. Thanks.

After the fantastic support for the arriving refugees during the last two days by so much people, the refugees are being allocated to different camps in different cities and we have to follow the situation closely now. How long will the people stay in these camps? Are they supervized in their asylum-process? Do the authorities care for them?

We are not happy with mass-accommodations! But local authorities have to handle a special situation. So temporaly housing in a sports hall – as in Wuppertal – seems to be the only solution for the moment.

w2wtal is challanged in Wuppertal from now on. A first contigent of the newly arrived will reach our town today. They will be housed at „Sportzentrum Süd“ in Wuppertal-Cronenberg. Adress of the sports hall is Küllenhahner Straße 130.

Estimated arrival-time of 300 people is around 6 pm. Would be nice, if some people would go there to send a warm „Welcome“ to them. You’ll be not alone at the location – others are already planning to go there. Because it’s possible that few Nazis will be there too, you shouldn’t go alone by bus – better move as a group together.

You can take the following buslines: 603 / 607 / 613 / 615 / 625 / 645 – all lines should go from the main busstation at „Ohligsmühle“.

If there is a possibility of direct contacts to the refugees, it would be very kind to invite them to our next breakfast at Sunday, September 20 at Café ADA. Thanks for everyone who will welcome the refugees this evening.

+++ Update Mo, Sep 7,  2:30 pm: Meanwhile local authorities have given some additional informations: Exact arrival time is not yet known – it could be late this evening. Also they claim, there is no urgent need for donations, they have enough of everything for anybody. If someone wants to donate for the new arrived refugees: It’s possible to give stuff to the newspaper „Cronenberger Woche“ – but please no food (see link for further information). As „Cronenberger Woche“ also informs, there will be a local meeting in „Schulzentrum Süd“ next Thursday to coordinate any help and support. It starts at 6pm in the restroom of the school. +++

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