Video-documentation: demonstrations in Heckinghausen on Sep 05

On Saturday, 9/5 a small group of racist right-wing idiots wanted to protest against a planned accommodation for refugees in a hotel in Wuppertal-Heckinghausen. Around 800 people came to Heckinghausen to show their solidarity with the refugees. It was a strong signal for all refugees to be welcomed in Wuppertal. A short documentation of Medienprojekt Wuppertal (20 minutes) gives a good view of the demonstrations in Heckinghausen. The video is mostly in German but some parts are also in Arabic.


Am Samstag, den 5.9. wollte eine kleine rassistische Gruppe rechter Idioten in Wuppertal-Heckinghausen gegen eine geplante Unterkunft für geflüchtete Menschen in einem Hotel protestieren. Ungefähr 800 Menschen kamen nach Heckinghausen, um ihre Solidarität mit Geflüchteten auszudrücken. Es war ein starkes Signal, dass alle Refugees in Wuppertal willkommen sind. Eine kurze Dokumentation des Medienprojektes Wuppertal (20 Minuten) gibt einen guten Eindruck von den Demonstrationen in Heckinghausen. Das Video ist größtenteils in Deutsch, aber einige Teile sind auch in Arabisch.

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Sunday, Sep 20: w2wtal-breakfast

Again we invite all of you to our w2wtal-breakfast on Sunday, September 20 at Café ADA (see multilingual invitation for more information). From 11am on we will get to know us better, talk and having breakfast together. If possible, we also will try to answer urgent questions relating to authorities, housing or work.

Because we expect some more guests as usual, we would be glad, if you could bring some food for our breakfast. But don’t worry if you can’t, we cared for almost everything.

After our breakfast we want to talk about a common political viewpoint reflecting the situation for refugees in Europe and especially in Wuppertal. You’re very welcome to take part in this discussion. The meeting with other initiatives will probably start around 2pm.

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