At the end of the year

(Artikel in Deutsch)

By our w2wtal-breakfast at December 20 our last public meeting this year has happened. The next meeting at our w2wtal-evening at Café Stil-Bruch will take place only on January 9 in 2016. It is exceptionally postponed by a week because of New Year. The break provides an opportunity to briefly pause and look back on 2015. On this occasion, we publish a contribution of our friend Lobanowskji.

2016 – Yallah!by Lobanowskji

For those who understand the movement of migration as a crucial social issue, the fading year 2015 was a crazy sequence of ambivalent developments in a high-speed mode. That this topic has become central to almost all fields at the end of the year, while it was an issue only for antiracist groups and refugee-supporting initiatives at its beginning, is part of these changes.

Meanwhile, the topic influences the political agenda in almost all issues – even the agreement on the Paris «climate summit» was dominated by the issue of future migration dynamics. The pendulum of events swung between a «Summer of Migration» with a beleaguered «Fortress Europe», a by masse overcome borders shredded »Dublin»-deportation system with collapsing regulatory policies and the now following «Winter of Reaction» with harsh tightenings of laws and overriding fundamental rights. Sometimes encouraging informations and disturbing messages took turns in the course of a single day. Laws that otherwise had to be coordinated for months, were partly exacerbated in weekly deadlines.

Nevertheless, the alliance of a racist mob and politicians not yet managed to intervene in the developments significantly – even if some initiatives have begun to show effect in recent weeks. Mainly single and isolated immigrant groups such as the Roma-Gypsies suffer, who got to feel the impact of the new law tightenings with full force. Almost unnoticed by the public they are deported in large numbers – often after having lived with us for years or even decades. And those who have not been deported yet are sometimes prompted to leave their homes and to resettle in special camps overnight – of which the Bavarian state government i.e. proudly announces that there was «yet not a single case» of a positive asylum-decision.

But the seemingly desperate attempts by the German government and the EU administration to get the issue of migration back into their own hands, also generate victims in completely different places. In their frantic effort to curb the movement of migration to Europe, the European Union was obviously willing to sacrifice the Kurds. Quite obviously as a part of a «deal» between the EU and AKP-government, the turkish army can fight an increasingly open war against its own people in the Kurdish parts of Turkey. Europe is silent about that in a deafening manner. For detaining Syrian refugees in Turkish detention centers and sending them back to war sometimes, Europe complicid shuts its eyes on tanks and bombs in Kurdish cities and on civilian deaths. Seldom the pitiful EU-hypocrisy was so obvious.

But these are only interim results so far. It is still not known, where the swung of European reactions on the movement of migration will finally finish. Although an angry-racist mob pushs politics further and further, the true actors of the changes are still the refugees themselves. Their self-organized way out of war and a lack of perspectives and their arrival in European wellness- and safety-zones led to many collapsing self-assurances, it turned privileges questioned and disturbed a «Doll’s House atmosphere of ignorance» as Elisatbeth Raether in the weekly «ZEIT»-newspaper formulated.

Where developments next year will go, will not at least depend on us – political refugee groups and anti-racist activists. Can we succeed to transform the dynamics of migration now to dynamic social developments – together with its stakeholders? Intense communication-processes about the future of a common living between new residents and those who lived here for years have begun at the base of neighborhoods and everyday life already. Within this processes we also have to question much of what seemed perfectly clear to us ’til today: Last year’s discussions about this were the most exciting political experiences that we could make.

Flight and migration always also mean an intensification of class conflicts – simple because many of the refugees are confronted with the fact of belonging to a common subaltern class after their arrival – regardless of their social positions before fleeing: The class of «refugees». As such members of a poor class they are forced into situations of competition and concurrence with existing impoverished classes. To intervene in these processes, which are euphemistically called «Integration», will be one of our most important tasks. Therefore refugees may not be seen as something beyond our own structures and something we have «to protect», but as a vital part of us.

On this basis w2wtal tried to be part of the «wild developments». Originally founded as an initiative that  primarily wanted to support people without papers by concrete solidarity activities in Wuppertal, we also became an actor in the dynamics of the year – to our delight together with several new inhabitants of Wuppertal. We would like to thank all of those who brought this momentum also to our town. Meanwhile our goal remained the same: Irrespective of their residence status and beyond paternalistic welfare we still want to support people who are newly living in this city to refer their own positions with self-consciousness: human, cultural, and especially political.

In this sense, we are looking forward to next year – without ignoring dangers and challenges. We will tackle them confidently and offensively together.

«No border lasts forever» – Yallah!


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Veranstaltung: „Rom“ heißt „Mensch“ – Lecture: „Rom“ means „human being“

(English below)

Zusammen mit unseren Freund*innen des so_ko_wpt laden wir am nächsten Donnerstag zu einem Abend ins ADA ein. Thema ist die größte europäische Minderheit: die Roma. Sie sind die eigentlichen Opfer der Verschärfung des Asylrechts im Oktober. Viele Familien sind in den letzten Wochen deportiert worden; einige lebten seit Jahren in Deutschland, ihre Kinder wurden hier geboren. Nun werden sie in feindliche Länder ohne jede Perspektive für ein Leben geschickt.

Wir wollen über ihre spezielle Geschichte informieren und ihre Situation und die irritierende Isolation diskutieren, die oft selbst in antirassistischen Strukturen vorherrscht. Und wir wollen über Möglichkeiten sprechen, wie dieses Isolation überwunden, und ein gemeinsamer Kampf für ein besseres Leben in Deutschland geformt werden kann.

Der Vortrag beginnt um 19:30 Uhr im ADA ind der Wiesenstraße 6 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. Eine ausführliche Ankündigung wurde auf der Website des so_ko_wpt veröffentlicht. Der Eintritt ist frei – eine Englisch-Flüsterübersetzung wird angeboten, falls sie benötigt wird.


Together with our friends of „so_ko_wpt“ we invite to an evening at ADA next Thursday. Topic is the situation of the biggest minority in Europe: The Gypsies (in German: Roma). They are they the actual victims of the last tightening of the asylum law in October. Many families were deported during the last weeks; some of them lived in Germany for years and their children have been born here. Now they are sent to hostile countries, without any perspective for a living.

We want to inform about their special history and discuss about their situation and the irritating fact of their isolation – even within antiracist structures. And we want to talk about possibilities to overcome this isolation and to form a joint struggle for a better life in Germany.

The lecture starts at 7:30 pm (19:30 Uhr) at ADA, Wiesenstraße 6 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. A detailed article about the event ist published in German on so_ko_wpt’s webpage. The entrance is free – English whisper-translation will be offered if needed.

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  • Das nächste w2wtal-Plenum findet am Freitag, den 30.8.2019 um 15 Uhr statt.
    Ort: Robertstr. 5 a, Wuppertal-Elberfeld

    Zeit und Ort der nächsten AG-Treffen erfahrt ihr am besten über unseren telegram-Kanal.

  • Wir rufen zu Gründung eines Wuppertaler Bürger*innen-Asyls auf. In vielen Städten haben sich bereits Initiativen gebildet, die von Abschiebung bedrohten Menschen konkret helfen möchten.

    In Kürze werden wir zu einer Informations-Veranstaltung zum Bürger*innen-Asyl einladen. Ort und Zeit erfahrt ihr an dieser Stelle und über unsere anderen Kanäle.

    Bis dahin lassen sich viele Infos bereits hier finden:

  • refugeeswelcomepad

  • no person is illegal
  • .
    welcome2wuppertal (w2wtal) ist eine Initiative von Menschen die schon lange in der Stadt leben und neu Zugezogenen. Gemeinsam wollen wir selbstorganiserte und konkret solidarische Strukturen schaffen, die allen hier Lebenden eine Partizipation und das Recht über unser Leben mitzubestimmen ermöglichen. Beteiligt euch, kommt vorbei, macht mit! Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schreibt uns einfach eine E-Mail (nutzt bei sensiblen Inhalten das verschlüsselte Formular), und wenn ihr über w2wtal-Treffen informiert werden möchtet, nutzt einen unserer Kanäle bei Facebook, Twitter oder telegram.

    welcome2wuppertal (w2wtal) is an initiative of people who have been living in the city for a long time and newcomers. Together we want to create self-organized and concrete solidarity structures, which enable all people living here to participate and have the right to have a voice in our community. Participate, come along, join in! If you have any questions, just write us an e-mail (use the encrypted form for sensitive content), and if you want to be informed about w2wtal meetings, use one of our channels on Facebook, Twitter or telegram.