Join us! Demonstrations and regular w2wtal-evening on Saturday


We call everybody to join us on Saturday, December 5, for two demonstrations in Solingen and Düsseldorf and at our regular w2wtal-evening at Café Stilbruch afterwards.

After tightening the law for asylum only eight weeks ago, there are new plans to make the conditions for refugees even harsher. As refugees and their friends we call everybody to act against these plans. The planned new tightening of the asylum law will not solve the problems of the German and European governments – but it will lead the society to further division and isolation.

With the new law the German government ie. plans, that Syrian refugees will have to leave their families two unbearably long years within the cruel war before they can bring them to safety. That’s a horrible thought for us. The worries about the women, men and children who have to remain in Syria, prevent a normal life in Germany, and if they make their dangerous journey across the sea and the Balkan the fear for their lifes eats souls.

That is why we want secure escape routes from the disaster. The right to family reunification in Germany is currently the last remaining hope for a safe journey to Europe. It should be clear to anybody that no law will prevent anyone from bringing his or her family to safety or to seek a life perspective. It only will make the way even more dangerous.

Also deportations should be facilitated. Even seriously ill and traumatized people can be deported in the future. We know seriously ill people. Some of us were on the flight together with them. They got help to survive the risks on the dangerous journey. Instead of helping them, the German government now wants to throw them out of the country to do a favor to the right and racist people. This is totally unacceptable. This country is a rich country. To send sick people out, is undignified and lacking in solidarity.

Moreover, everybody who had to enter the country without papers, will be send to huge camps with an „accelerated asylum procedure“ in future. Why should those who have lost their documents during the flight, now live in camps? A decision about their asylum applications should be made there within just three weeks. Those of us who are waiting their requests to be processed for months, can’t imagine how this would work without either violating the right to a fair trial or to extend «normal» processes even more.

To send many people in such special camps, to deprive them of their rights and to isolate them even more from society by a stricter so called «Residenzpflicht» (residental duty) is a further step, to divide refugees in people with different values. To deport people to get room for «new» refugees is unbearable for us. We stand together. You make differences in reasons for searching refuge, not us!

We are very grateful to the very many people who have helped the refugees in the last few months. We hope that your solidarity can be returned in the future. But now we have an urgent request again: We know you spend a lot of time and energy with the projects that support the refugees – but you must take time now to prevent this new law together with us!

We want to live in a society which has a place for all of us. Everybody is willing to cooperate in such a society, and wants to look for solutions to the problems. As friends and refugees in this country we offer this willingness for an integration. But therefore everybody has to be informed about planned changes in laws and conditions. If there is no real information, experiences and knowledges can’t be contributed to the solving of problems.

Everybody has to be involved in the discussions. The people are here now. We call on you to live and to decide together how we want to live in future!

Come and join us!

We want to demonstrate in Solingen at 11 am and in Düsseldorf at 3 pm. There’s a meetingpoint for a joint travel at «Schwebebahn» Döppersberg at 9:50 am.

The regular w2wtal-evening afterwards starts at 7 pm at Café Stil-Bruch. There will be some selfprepared food, tea and other drinks, talks and music and a nice chill-out after the demonstrations. (Adress: Otto-Böhne Platz, Ölberg in Wuppertal-Elberfeld; you can directly go there by busline 643, direction «Nordstadt/Lutherstift». Leave the bus at «Otto-Böhne Platz»)

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  • Das nächste w2wtal-Plenum findet am Freitag, den 30.8.2019 um 15 Uhr statt.
    Ort: Robertstr. 5 a, Wuppertal-Elberfeld

    Zeit und Ort der nächsten AG-Treffen erfahrt ihr am besten über unseren telegram-Kanal.

  • Wir rufen zu Gründung eines Wuppertaler Bürger*innen-Asyls auf. In vielen Städten haben sich bereits Initiativen gebildet, die von Abschiebung bedrohten Menschen konkret helfen möchten.

    In Kürze werden wir zu einer Informations-Veranstaltung zum Bürger*innen-Asyl einladen. Ort und Zeit erfahrt ihr an dieser Stelle und über unsere anderen Kanäle.

    Bis dahin lassen sich viele Infos bereits hier finden:

  • refugeeswelcomepad

  • no person is illegal
  • .
    welcome2wuppertal (w2wtal) ist eine Initiative von Menschen die schon lange in der Stadt leben und neu Zugezogenen. Gemeinsam wollen wir selbstorganiserte und konkret solidarische Strukturen schaffen, die allen hier Lebenden eine Partizipation und das Recht über unser Leben mitzubestimmen ermöglichen. Beteiligt euch, kommt vorbei, macht mit! Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schreibt uns einfach eine E-Mail (nutzt bei sensiblen Inhalten das verschlüsselte Formular), und wenn ihr über w2wtal-Treffen informiert werden möchtet, nutzt einen unserer Kanäle bei Facebook, Twitter oder telegram.

    welcome2wuppertal (w2wtal) is an initiative of people who have been living in the city for a long time and newcomers. Together we want to create self-organized and concrete solidarity structures, which enable all people living here to participate and have the right to have a voice in our community. Participate, come along, join in! If you have any questions, just write us an e-mail (use the encrypted form for sensitive content), and if you want to be informed about w2wtal meetings, use one of our channels on Facebook, Twitter or telegram.